I took a week off hoping the rest would help my itband. Last weekend I met up with Jen and Sandi to run 18 miles. Sandi had 13 miles on her training schedule,so she was only running the first 6 miles with us. Then she was heading back on her own. It's always better to get a run in with friends. Sometimes the conversation can distract you from how you don't want to run. The temps were high 30's low 40's. So not too bad for a long run.
We were running an out and back on a bike path. Not too hard. At mile 6 we said goodbye to Sandi and continued onward. Around mile 7 it happened, I put my foot down and pow! The knee felt like it was going to give and a lovely pain shot up my leg. Thank you itband! We continued on to mile 8 and turned it around.
From mile 8-16 it was a shuffle at best. We took some walk breaks. The down hills were the worst. I love running down hill! But not that day I didn't. We got in 16...not bad considering. The good thing about out and back is the fact you have no option once you are out there. You have to make it back so you are going to get the miles in. Now we did cut off two miles but not sure I would have gotten the miles in if I had the option of quitting.
Still smiling as I head home to a warm shower.
I also made a new friend.
Riley is not impressed with my friend the foam roller. Ugh I hate stretching but looks like if I want to run I'm going to start to love stretching.