Sunday, August 26, 2012

Leesburg 20K and a PR

Last weekend I ran the Leesburg 20k with Megan.  This was my first 20K so guarantee PR!  Hey you have to take your PRs anyway you can get them! :)  It turned out that it was the perfect day to run 12.5 miles too.  We were running a few miles on the road and for most of the run we were on a paved trail.  Trees all around to further protect us from the summer heat (but really for an August morning, no real heat or humidity.)  It was a really nice place to run. 

Before the run started I ended up in the longest port-a-potty line known to man!  I knew if I didn't wait I would regret it later.  I didn't know if there were port-a-potties on the run and how many.  Since it was a smaller race I assumed that not many would be found.  Turned out that it was a smart decision. Score for me!  While in line the race started and half the people in line left..well that moved me up in line a bunch.  I figured my time doesn't start until I cross the start line so I should be fine.  Turned out I didn't have to weave in and out of many people at the start seeing as I was only about 3-5 runners starting :) 

We ran a few miles and then we split off from the 5K runners and the 20K runners headed for the trail.  I wasn't sure if I was the last 20K'er since I started late.  I was trying to figure it out while I was running, but just gave up.  When the split came I realized I was not last.  So that made me feel good.  I know I am a back of the pack runner, but I didn't really want to be the very last runner. 

As I was running I ended up passing a husband and wife running.  I am going to guess that the husband was running with his wife and letting her call the pace.  I love seeing that!  We chatted a bit and I passed them.  Turned out that would not be the last time I would see them. 

The middle of the run had some incline but nothing too bad.  It was an out and back so when we came up, you knew you would see the downside of the hill on the return.  Just how I like it.  As I was running around mile 9 I hear behind me "We're Baaa--ck!"  Yep it was my husband and wife duo.  We laughed about meeting up again.  I decided I wasn't going to let them pass me..but it is later in the race, I am not really feeling speedy.  I go a bit faster knowing that I can't maintain the pace.  Soon they pass me.  I yell good luck and tell the wife to aim to pass the girls in front of us.  They were off.  I ended up seeing them after I crossed the finish line.  The wife got her second wind when they passed me. 

The last mile was a tough one.  I was very glad that I signed up for the race.  Great training run for VA Beach Half next weekend. 

I was really happy to see the finish line!  As I was getting ready to cross the finish line, I was handed the American Flag to run across the finish.  I wasn't sure if I could hold the flag and run because I was tired.  Turned out that I could hold a flag and cross the line without falling over.

After the run Megan and I headed off to a small restaurant to enjoy some post race french toast and bacon.  Yummy.  It was a great day for a 20K!


~*Kimmy*~ said...

So excited for you!! Sounds like a wonderful race!

Beth @ Running with the Sunrise said...

It looks like you had a great race! It's nice that it was a gorgeous day for you, too. I hope you're getting some relaxing in after your run! :)

Terzah said...

Congratulations! And you look so happy in those pictures!

Crystal said...

Congrats!! A PR is always great!