Saturday, October 23, 2010

broken scale

So I am convinced I have a broken scale.  The numbers on my scale keep going up and very rarely go down..yep sounds like a broken scale to me!  Just in case it is not a broken scale I started back at the gym today.  I figured if I am paying the money I might as well make an appearance every once in awhile.  So I ran and biked today.  Felt so good I will be back for more tomorrow.  Hopefully this will help cure the broken scale. :) 

 I am thinking I might start writing down what I eat and keeping track of the calories again.  I am so not good with that. But I am really not liking the number on the scale so I guess this is what I need to do. :(  Write everything down..grrr.  So I guess I have just come up with my plan to fix the scale

1.  Write down what I put in my mouth and the calories attached
2.  Hit the gym more regularly and/or run outside more frequently than the past month
3.  Take Riley on more walks.

Ok, I wrote it down so I guess that means I must follow it.


~*Kimmy*~ said...

Good for you for coming up with a plan and having a good attitude about it =)

Running Librarian said...

Kimmy it would much easier to just get a new scale...:)

Book Worm Runs said...

Gosh darn it, I hate when my scale breaks!! Time for a new one I think :o) Good luck with the food tracking!

Julie @ HotlegsRunner said...

yup that always works for me too =)

Kimberly said...

Writing things down has been really important for me. It takes a while to get used to bet very much worth it. Good luck1

Lindsay said...

haha! my scale's broken too now that you mention it... stay disciplined!

Ruby said...

Don't you just hate it when the scale wants to fib to you as well?