Saturday, January 24, 2015

Nobody puts baby in a corner

It's Saturday, the night before my 16 mile training run. What am I doing?  Well I did some shopping and then came home and decided to go through my filing cabinet and get rid of a bunch of old stuff from the days when I first started teaching. It's amazing the amount of papers that one person can accumulate. I now have a large trash bag of old papers leaving my house on trash day. Don't be jealous of my Saturday. 

After the great paper purge of 2014 I headed downstairs to see what was on tv. Now I'm not a huge tv person. It is usually background noise while I'm on my iPad. I don't watch a lot of movies either. Very rarely do I head to the movies. Today must have been my lucky day. As I'm surfing to find something to watch I find one of my favorite movies of all time...Dirty Dancing!  

I know most of the words and I'm a bit annoying to watch it with. Luckily Riley doesn't mind. 

Following Dirty dancing is Grease. Looks like I'm watching a bunch of tv tonight. One thing for sure my legs shouldn't be tired for tomorrow's long run. 


Blush and Barbells said...

I love Grease! In fact, I think I'll try to put the soundtrack on my iPod for tomorrow's long run. Have a great run!

Kim said...

Now I know exactly why we get along so well - that is one of my all time favorites!!! It came out when I was a freshman in college (I'm old) and a friend and I went to see it 4 nights in one week!!!