Sunday, January 20, 2013

random stuff

Yesterday I went running with Becky again.  We ran the same hilly route as last weekend.  It was fine.  As we started running it was cold..feels like 29 brr...of course the weather started warming up as we ran.   So my original long sleeve bundled up running attire was really sweaty at the end of the four mile run (although to be fair I'm always sweaty after a run)

I'm not doing the greatest on running during the week.  I'm going to get out there this afternoon and run 6 today and then some track work on Monday since boot camp is canceled because of the holiday. For some reason I've just been exhausted after work.  I think I might be allergic to my school. :)  

On a different note I'm participating in the Biggest Loser at work.  Sometimes it is just so frustrating because my body does not like to give up any pounds..but boy does it like to add pounds.  Well I have been trying to watch what I'm eating a little bit closer than in the past.  Nothing crazy, but trying to be more thoughtful about what I'm eating.  I also have been trying to move a bit more too (and not just running)  Well yesterday I ended up finally seeing a new number on the scale!  I am officially down 10 lbs since the beginning of the school year.  Then of course I went out to dinner last night with my friend Theresa so I didn't see the number this morning, but it was there.  So hopefully I will see it again soon. :)  And if I'm being honest, it was .2 away from 11 lbs loss!  So that is some excitement in my life!  I'm not sure if I will win any of the weekly weigh-ins (I didn't last round either) but it might help me own what I'm eating and think about moving a bit more.


Mallory said...

Something to keep you accountable is always the best bet. That's why I posted my planned workouts for the week! I also misjudge the weather sometimes and end up too hot. I have a hard time being cold the first mile. Lol

Sarah said...

go you!! ten pounds is definitely something to be proud of! :)

Barbara L said...

Hey congrats on the ten pounds!
I find it hard running after school, too. I have to start thinking about it the night before and imagine how much fun it will be and just really get it into my head so that by the time 4:00 rolls around I'm mentally ready to go. Maybe that will work for you :)
My Running Shortz

Running Librarian said...

Thanks Sara and Barbara..I will try the imagining that it is a lot of fun running when I am tired after school lol...

Michelle said...

Great job! Anything we can find to help give us that nudge in the right direction. I was feeling SO TIRED at the end of the day and finally broke down and started taking a multivitamin and a B vitamin. Has made a huge difference.

Kim said...

I just found you blog (from Cait's) - love the title. I just finished doing a long-term sub job in an elementary school library and loved it!!!
Good luck with the Biggest Loser at school!